
Using colours to set a mood

The feel of colours is used in compositions to set a particular mood. For example blue is a relaxing colour, whereas red is a more alert and dangerous colour.

However if these rules are known they can also be broken effectively. Blue can reflect a calm and serene scene, but used in the right way can also reflect a dark and more menacing scene. Similarly with red is more often used to danger, however it can also be used as a warm colour, such as a sunset or love.

http://www.wdvl.com/Graphics/Color/color3.html uses a good example of the same scene in different colours and asks which is more inviting to you? It can depend on your mood.

This technique extends to all areas of art - photography, painting, movies etc will all use these techniques to influence and manipulate how the audience will perceive the image, how they will relate to it. It even extends to interior/exterior design as seen in this colour wheel.
A great example of different moods and feelings set by different colours.