Many ancient cultures used colour in practise as a therapy form, to heal, and some is even still used today as a holistic or alternative therapy. It is known as chromotherapy and sometimes referred to as light therapy or colorology.
In this treatment different colours were used to create different reactions:
- Red - Stimulate body and mind.
- Yellow - Stimate nerves and purify the body.
- Orange - Heal lungs and increase energy levels.
- Blue - Soothe illnesses and treat pain.
- Indigo - Was thought to help skin problems.
Further studies have also shown that colours can have an impact on performance. For example students exposed to the colour red before exams can have a negative impact on performance, however red has shown to increase reactions and speed which may be useful for athletes. Similarly interesting impacts of colour is the colour blue that causes loss of appetite and blue plates are now recommended as a part of diet plans.
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