
Debate of colour in modern movies

In my search for research on colour in movies in modern times I've encountered an interesting debate and opinion that colour quality in movies has become worse. This was quite surprising as I was expecting that quality would have improved with recent technology, but as I read the articles I began to see the point and this is largely due to modern techniques of colour grading to create a specific feel to a movie.


This article in particular debates that hollywood movies now all consist of overall orange and blue tints compared to the bright colours of older movies. This apparently began in 2000 with the first scanned movie "Oh brother, Where art thou?" as seen above.

It began being used and introduced as teal and blue are complimentary colours and so this made the characters "pop" on screen.


This article takes this view even further showing many examples. I've noticed a feeling of movies all being the same recently but would never have put it down to something as simple as the colours used! This really surprised me and I'm sure I will now notice it everywhere.....unfortunately. However I'm sure this doesn't apply to absolutely all movies. Maybe this is another phase of Hollywood and another will soon come along.

This also reminds me of a similar thing I saw about modern music all being the same:

Denver Riddle responded with a blog post explaining the use of these colours

Although it makes sense that these colours create a more appealing image, does it need to be so overused?