Johannes Itten is known as one of the first people to identify colour strategies and can be used to invoke a reaction. He in particular would focus on colour harmony, he wrote in his primer book of colours "certain combinations of colours are pleasing, other displeasing or indifferent.". His research devised seven methods for colour co-ordination and utilizing hue's contrasting properties.
The contrast of saturation
"To darken colour with black deprives them, to different degrees, of their brilliance. Adding gray, or intermittingly black and white, to a colour, will lessen its intensity. Finally, mixing complementary colours will eventually produce a gray hue."
Contrast of light and dark
The contrast of extension
He devised, expanding on Goethe's work, a systematical ratio of colour values e.g
yellow | orange | red | violet | blue | green
9 : 8 : 6 : 3 : 4 : 6
The porportions for compimentary pairs are:
Yellow: violet = 9:3 = 3:1 = 3/4 : 1/4
Orange: Blue = 8:4 = 2:1 = 2/3 : 1/3
Red: Green = 6:6 = 1: 1 = 1/2 : 1/2
The contrast of compliments
Simultaneous contrast
The contrast of hue
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